Are you feeling anxious or sad? Perhaps you're feeling stuck or discouraged? Mark works with people who are going through: stress, anxiety, overwhelming thinking, ptsd, depression, social anxiety, maintaining your sobriety, and workplace issues.

Mark focuses on intelligent people who are ready to apply themselves to self-improvement. Many of Mark's clients are young to mid-career professionals (especially in healthcare and education) and experienced, lifelong learners. As a former professor, Mark is well-suited to support thoughtful and educated individuals.

Mark is an intuitive, caring, and perceptive therapist who uses a methodical and directive approach to treatment. Mark is certified in CBT, qualified in EMDR, and the author of Living Yes, a Handbook For Being Human.

Mark resonates with those who have worked to gain insight into what it means to be human. No previous therapy is required.


Due to their quick and effective results, Mark focuses his practice on CBT for emotional regulation, EMDR Therapy along with IFS to relieve past trauma, and Mindfulness / Meditation for connection to self and Spirit. Living Yes concepts are offered when they support therapy.

Mark uses a directive and structured therapeutic approach and, at the same time, is adaptable and practical, catering to your specific needs. Call Mark at 504-388-7463.

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CBT Certified

Mark is the only Louisiana Diplomate currently certified in CBT by the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, which endorses “expert clinicians” using “exacting and rigorous standards.” This certification assures you that Mark will offer CBT effectively, presenting it with a structure consistent with the way it was designed.

“Cognitive” means thinking; “Behavior” means doing; and “Therapy” means healing. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most researched, comprehensive, widely accepted, effective, and evidence-based, non-medical intervention for treating anxiety, depression and many other conditions. Read more about CBT Treatment and CBT Outcome Studies.


Mark also offers EMDR trauma treatment, common sense counseling and spiritual support. Read an article Mark wrote about EMDR.

Living Yes

Mark has developed a technology that may be used to free oneself from anger and fear by choosing mental clarity and loving connection at any moment called Living Yes.

Mark has been certified by the NASW as an ACSW and QCSW.


Mark charges $130. per individual session. The first two sessions each cost $155. Couples pay an additional $30. per session. Mark accepts cash, checks, and credit cards (with an additional $5 swipe fee). Mark is only taking private pay and out-of-network insurance clients at this time.


Mark's office is located at 4011 Baronne St., two blocks from St Charles Avenue and three blocks from Napolean Avenue, in New Orleans.

Call Now

Call Mark at 504-388-7463, and ask to schedule an intake appointment. Mark will call you back within one working day.

Email Mark Mark@MarkMorrisLCSW.com

Living Yes book and free Living Yes Workbook

Mark's unified approach is explored in his book Living Yes, a Handbook For Being Human. Read more about Living Yes, order the book, or go directly to sign up and download the LIVING YES WORKBOOK.

For more information about Mark's psychotherapy practice, CBT, EMDR, and other mental health services, please visit the Extensive FAQ and other pages on this site.